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Letter from the President - Coastline E-Newsletter Dec. 2019
Letter from the President - Coastline E-Newsletter Dec. 2019
Available Now! The newest issue of California Coast University’s Coastline e-newsletter - December 2019.
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Announcing CCU’s new website! Discover the new look of California Coast University!
Announcing CCU’s new website! Discover the new look of California Coast University!
We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new website! In addition to the refreshed look, we’ve added new features and made it easier to find resources!
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The Best New Year Resolution You Must Make—to Love Yourself!
The Best New Year Resolution You Must Make—to Love Yourself!
Unlike table manners or the alphabet, we are not taught self-love. In fact, we tend to think of such a notion as selfish. However, loving oneself is a natural state in which to live.
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How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Office Party
How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Office Party
Don't stress! A holiday party at work should be a stress-free and convivial team-building event. Learn how with these tips.
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7 Reasons to Include Yourself in Your Holiday Gift List and Start Pursuing Your Degree With CCU Now!
7 Reasons to Include Yourself in Your Holiday Gift List and Start Pursuing Your Degree With CCU Now!
It’s not a selfish act—it’s a smart move. And one of the best gifts you can give yourself is the decision to earn your degree.
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Out and About - CCU's Event Calendar 2019
Out and About - CCU's Event Calendar 2019
Meet Nick, CCU's Business Development Specialist. Read about some of the places he's been and where he's going next. Also, ask him how to get a 10% tuition discount!
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