Letter from the President - Coastline E-Newsletter Dec. 2019

Dear Alumni, Students, Prospective Students:
Welcome to Vol.19 Issue 4 of Coastline - California Coast University's online newsletter!
For the final issue of 2019, we've included a variety of articles to help you thrive this holiday season.
We wish you a joyous holiday season and much success in the New Year.
To learn more about CCU, visit our website and check back for regular updates and information on alumni, students and the changing face of higher education. To share some of your educational journey, or if you have a question or comment, please email our Coastline editor at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and keeping you updated through Coastline – CCU’s online news.
Click here to read the Vol.19 Issue 4 Coastline e-newsletter
Did you miss a previous issue?
Click here to read the Vol.19 Issue 3 Coastline e-newsletter
Click here to read the Vol.19 Issue 2 Coastline e-newsletter
Click here to read the Vol.19 Issue 1 Coastline e-newsletter
Thomas M. Neal
Thomas M. Neal
California Coast University