Events Calendar - 2015

By CCU Staff

California Coast University attended or is planning to attend the following events, workshops, and conferences. Check back to see where we'll be next!


October 18 - 20: National Conference on Correctional Health CARE (NCCHC), Dallas, TX

October 16: Molina Healthcare 2015 College Fair, Augusta, ME

October 12 - 14: Cops West, Long Beach, CA

September 16 - 17: UPS College Fair, Hodgkins, IL

September 15 - 18: California Probation, Parole & Correctional Association Conference, Pomona, CA

August 10 - September 1: California Human Resources Conference, Anaheim, CA

July 21: Network After Work, Costa Mesa, CA

June 28 - 30: American School Counselor Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ

June 11: Transfer Thursday Event, California Coast University, Santa Ana, CA

May 9: Orange County Sheriff's Department, Santa Ana, CA

April 19 - 21: American Jail Association, Charlotte, NC

April 12 - 14: Correctional Health Care, New Orleans, LA

April 9 - 10: TTPOA Swat, Dallas, TX

March 10 - 11: Inland Empire Gang Unit, Pechanga, CA

March 4: Relationship Building Network, Costa Mesa, CA

March 3 - 5: California Homicide Investigators Association - CHIA 2015, Las Vegas, NV

February 24: CPCA, Riverside, CA

February 8 - 10: American Correctional Association Winter Conference 2015, Long Beach, CA

January 21 - 23: National Sheriffs' Association,Washington DC

January 21 - 24: 2015 Carnegie Conference, Orlando, FL

January 13: Network After Work, Orange, CA

This article was written for you by a member of the California Coast University staff. Do you have a question, comment or an idea for an article? Email: [email protected]

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