Suggestions & Gift Ideas for Medical Assistants Recognition Week #MARWeek

Whether they’re performing front- or back-office duties, medical assistants—particularly CMAs (AAMA)—help administrative and clinical procedures run smoothly. The services they provide are too numerous to list. They make life easier not only for providers, but also for patients. In celebration of this Medical Assistants Recognition Week, providers and patients express their gratitude for a job well done.
Medical Assistants Recognition Week offers employers of medical assistants and CMAs (AAMA) an opportunity to recognize the contributions that these professionals make to overall health care delivery effectiveness. Here are a few suggestions for ways to observe the week.
Medical Assistants Recognition Week Observance Suggestions
- Present medical assistants with an appropriate gift, using the gift ideas to below.
- Present medical assistants with a letter of thanks detailing their achievements and contributions to the organization. Maintain a copy for personnel records.
- Have a special event with all office staff to recognize the efforts of the medical assisting team. Have handouts available from the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) and invite an AAMA representative from the local chapter or state society to speak.
- Hold a special medical assisting training seminar on company time.
- Dedicate the October issue of your own office newsletter to your medical assisting staff, recognizing exceptional efforts and overall contributions.
- Implement new policies for medical assisting staff training, educational assistance, benefits, flex time, or other new programs.
- In honor of your medical assisting staff, order a subscription to CMA Today and display the issues in the office waiting area.
- Offer to display the Medical Assistants Recognition Week poster in a prominent place in your office.
- Every day of the year, treat medical assistants and CMAs (AAMA) like part of the office team. Ask for their input before decisions are made. Give recognition when it is due, and offer genuine praise where it is warranted.
MARWeek Gift Ideas
Any gift that makes a medical assistant’s job more effective can accrue long-term benefits, contributing to greater professionalism and increased productivity. Here are gift ideas to accommodate all budgets:
- Membership in the AAMA, which provides opportunities for networking, continuing education, and professional development*
- Subscription to a professional magazine, such as CMA Today*
- Monetary bonus or salary increase
- Day off with pay to use when needed
- Tuition reimbursement or fee payment for business-, computer-, or medical-related classes and seminars
- Registration reimbursement for the AAMA Annual Conference*
- Financial assistance to pursue higher education
- Gift certificate to a uniform store to assist in maintaining a professional image
- Spotlight piece in your newsletter or on your social media channels
- Business cards, name plaque, or other related items to give visible professional recognition
- Plaque that conveys office recognition and gratitude for yearlong contributions
*Available through AAMA at