We Celebrate A Legacy of Commitment to CCU Students and Education

One of the things we pride ourselves on is the legacy of long-term administrators, faculty, and staff we have at California Coast University. Looking back over the years, we have had many employees who have stayed with the university for a long run. Here is a list of current people who have been with CCU for 10 years or longer, the year they first started working for the university, and their current positions:
- Tom Neal (1973) - President
- Shelly Marquardt (1988) - Executive Vice President
- Dr. Murl Tucker (1995) - Chief Academic Officer
- Dr. Cynthia Teeple (1999) - Dean of Behavioral Sciences
- Patti Stubban (2004) - Professor
- Jojo Soberano (2006) - Director of Management Information Systems
- Doug Petrikat (2006) - Director of Academic Affairs
- Dr. Martin Cooper (2006) - Curriculum Specialist
- Dr. Rachel Stein (2006) - Associate Dean of Behavioral Sciences
- Danielle Banta (2006) - Director of Student Services
- Dr. Patricia Insley (2007) - Dean of Education
- Dr. Shawn Moustafa (2008) - Professor
- Dr. Jeanette Guignard (2009) - Distance Education and Learning Design Officer
- Dr. Peng Chan (2009) - Dean of Administration and Management
- Marlene Woodworth (2009) – Professor
- Denise Sanchez (2009) - Admissions Assistant
- Trang Nguyen (2009) - Curriculum Development Coordinator
- Brigid Miraglia (2010) - Academic Affairs Specialist
- Trish Bumann (2010) - Accounting Services/Administrative Assistant
- Dr. Cindy Brownell (2012) - Professor
- Angela Cenina (2012) - Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
- Rachel De Armond (2013) - Compliance Specialist
We celebrate and congratulate our long-time employees for their dedication, experience, and service to our students and graduates!