Online Education Resources
To help our students explore the diverse field of education, we have assembled a variety of interesting, innovative, thought provoking websites, videos and articles. The websites and articles come from a variety of sources and are intended to help our students explore the many facets of the education field and to function as a supplement to the course materials. The videos presented here were gathered from various TED Talks. TED: Ideas worth spreading is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).
Your success is our goal.Explore the the following interesting and informative content to expand your knowledge. Murl Tucker, CCU Chief Academic Officer
MOOCs 101 (6 talks)
Given that it’s the internet age and all, why should classrooms look exactly the way they have for centuries? Here, TED speakers on what can happen when we bring education online … and open it up to anyone who wants to learn, anywhere. -
TV Special: TED Talks Education (9 talks)
How can we create an education system that works for kids, instead of against them? Watch eight inspiring talks (and one beautiful performance) from TED's May 2013 PBS special, given in their entirety. -
Re-imagining school (12 talks)
All over the world, there's a growing consensus that our education systems are broken. These educators offer lessons in how we might re-imagine school.
Bill Gates: Mosquitoes, malaria and education
Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them. -
Michelle Obama: A plea for education
Speaking at a London girls' school, Michelle Obama makes a passionate, personal case for each student to take education seriously. It is this new, brilliant generation, she says, that will close the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should be. -
Patrick Awuah: How to educate leaders? Liberal arts
Patrick Awuah makes the case that a liberal arts education is critical to forming true leaders.
Cooperative learning
The Cooperative Learning Institute is an innovative nonprofit Institute established in 1987 to advance the understanding and practice of cooperation and constructive conflict resolution. -
Learning styles
Information about learning styles and Multiple Intelligence (MI) is helpful for everyone especially for people with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder. -
Learning styles provides free information and tools to help you understand and use learning styles effectively. -
W. Edwards Deming Institute
The W. Edwards Deming Institute inspires individuals and organizations to work collaboratively with the aim for everyone to win. Dr. Deming believed that, through learning and understanding The Deming System of Profound Knowledge, we can improve all aspects of life and advance commerce, prosperity and peace.
Learning styles
An explanation of learning styles. -
Mind mapping
How do I map? First reject the idea of an outline, or of paragraphs using sentences. Think in terms of key words or symbols that represent ideas and words: -
Index of Learning Styles
The Index of Learning Styles is an on-line instrument used to assess preferences on four dimensions (active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global) of a learning style model formulated by Richard M. Felder and Linda K. Silverman. The instrument was developed by Richard M. Felder and Barbara A. Soloman of North Carolina State University. -
American Educational Research Association
The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. -
Let Me Learn
Our research, conducted over a period of more than twenty years, has resulted in the development of unique learning tools and skills that have proven to make a difference for learners.
Because the Let Me Learn Process® is continually tested in the real world of classrooms, training environments, and corporate settings, we can state with confidence that the process is effective in helping children and adults take control of their learning processes and adapt them to meet learning expectations.
We are always updating and looking for more informative and useful data. Do you have a suggestion or topic that you would like us to include? Send your thoughts to [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
Formal education is commonly divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship.
A right to education has been recognized by some governments and the United Nations. In most regions, education is compulsory up to a certain age.
Source: Wikipedia
Go to the student portal and check if there is any additional information related to the subject or course. If all else fails, ask your professor for help.
Everyone's learning-style, situation, and interests are unique. We hope that the information supplied within these pages helps you learn more about your field of interest, become more efficient, and gives you a better understanding of ways to increase your capabilities.
For more information, here are some additional places to look:
- Explore the Student Resources Page for access to information on a specific topic.
- Visit the CCU Blog, explore the category links, like Tips and Guides or one related to your interests.
- Check out our Pinterest Page.