Health Care Management
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Online Degree Program

The Master of Business Administration online degree program in Health Care Management is designed around the strategies, theories, and practices utilized by management professionals working in the health care industry. For this, students will examine history, theory, research, best practices, and factors impacting the field. The program includes courses in the areas of management information systems, human resource management, marketing management, financial management, leadership, employee training and development, strategic management, modern management, health care in America, ethical and legal Issues for health care professionals, multicultural health care, organizational behavior, and research.  

Designed For You

The California Coast University online Master of Business Administration in Health Care Management program was designed for complete flexibility for the student. All courses are self-paced and completed 100% online.

View Program Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:


Explore The Program

The Master of Business Administration in Health Care Management degree program consists of 13 total courses, followed by a final Comprehensive Examination.
The required courses are comprised of: 13  Core Courses .
There are 39 total semester units in this program.

13 Core Courses

For the online Master of Business Administration in Health Care Management (M.B.A.) degree program, the following 13 courses must be fulfilled. Click on course title to expand and read more.

ID Course Name Units
BAM 509 Management Information Systems  3

Management Information Systems is designed for business students who want an in-depth look at how business firms use information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. Information systems are one of the major tools available to business managers for achieving operational excellence, developing new products and services, improving decision-making, and achieving competitive advantage.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate the role and key terminology of information sytems in global business today.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of information technology infrastructure.
  • Evaluate key system applications for the digital age.
  • Examine key components and best practices of building and managing information systems.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to information systems.
BAM 510 Human Resource Management  3

Human Resource Management examines the concepts, models, procedures, tools, and techniques of human resource management. Aspects of the individual and how the work environment influences people at work is explored, and the emphasis on recent and relevant findings from the behavioral sciences and other disciplines is discussed to help students apply appropriate human resource management approaches in their organizational settings.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define and discuss human resource management and its importance in modern organizations, legal issues, strategic planning, and trends related to the field.
  • Examine issues and best practices impacting employee staffing and recruiting.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of employee development and management.
  • Evaluate the key components of compensation including incentive pay and employee benefits.
  • Discuss factors related to protecting and expanding organizational reach such as workplace safety, ethics, diversity, social responsibility, and global issues.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to human resource management.
BAM 511 Marketing Management  3

Marketing Management explores various marketing theories and practices with emphasis on four key dimensions of holistic marketing: internal marketing, integrated marketing, relationship marketing, and performance marketing. We will also discuss today’s economic, environmental, and technological changes in marketing, as well as address the topics of corporate social responsibility, business ethics, sustainability, and the importance of growth to organizations.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define and understand the scope of marketing management.
  • Examine the process of capturing marketing insights.
  • Discuss forces influencing the field of marketing management including data collection, current trends, customer relationships, best practices, and globalization.
  • Analyze the importance of creating, delivering and communicating value in marketing management.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key elements of marketing including branding, positioning, identifying segments and targets, and research.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to marketing management.
BAM 513 Financial Management  3

Financial Management is designed to help aspiring nonfinancial managers and executives communicate better with financial managers, accountants, and controllers within their organizations. Through the use of real-world examples and case studies, financial concepts are applied and reviewed as they relate to various areas of finance and management.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify and define financial management including commonly used terms, concepts, key principles, and best practices.
  • Examine the processes related to valuing stock and bonds, and understanding risk and return.
  • Analyze the processes for capital budgeting.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of financial planning and evaluating performance.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to financial management.
BAM 550 Leadership  3

Leadership provides students with a current and in-depth view of the history of leadership encompassing traditional theories and current research perspectives. This course examines the personal side of leadership and leadership within organizations. Students will analyze best practices for leading teams, addressing diversity and inclusion, and creating a leadership vision for the rapidly evolving world.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define leadership examine its importance and discuss how it is different from management.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of research perspectives on leadership including key theories and models of leadership.
  • Analyze the personal side of leadership including the role of emotional intelligence, morals, ethics, and personality in leadership.
  • Evaluate the leader as a relationship builder and examine best practices for motivation, engagement, communication, teambuilding, and diversity and inclusion.
  • Explore the leader as a social architect in terms of implementing change, shaping culture and values, and setting the stage for followership.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to leadership.
BAM 554 Employee Training and Development  3

Employee Training and Development provides students with insight into the different methods of training and development for company—as well as personal—success. The course addresses new technologies, such as virtual learning and big data, that allow for greater accessibility to various training content and revision of traditional training and development techniques. The course emphasizes that there are effective and relevant training and development methods for every stage of an employee’s career.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the context of training and development.
  • Identify and describe the fundamentals and best practices of training design.
  • Evaluate different training and development methods available.
  • Examine issues related to social responsibility, and analyze future trends and implications for training.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to employee development and training.
BAM 560 Strategic Management  3

Strategic Management explores strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation concepts and techniques in business organizations. Topics covered include the concept of a business model, the strategic significance of a company’s scope of operations, competing in international markets, and the role of corporate culture and leadership in reaching strategic objectives, as well as ethics, corporate social responsibility, and environmental sustainability as they pertain to strategy.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify and define the study of strategic management including commonly used terms and key principles.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of processes related to strategic management including strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation.
  • Evaluate key issues in strategic management including business ethics, social responsibility, global applications, the environment, competition, and technology.
  • Examine best practices for strategic management case analysis.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to strategic management.
BAM 562 Modern Management  3

Modern Management provides insight into current management trends. Today, managers have more responsibility than ever. Meeting the needs of a growing customer base, a diverse workforce, and production challenges all pose unique problems for managers. This course covers the four aspects of the strategic management process—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Evidencebased management (EBM), critical thinking, ethics, and analytics are themes that run throughout the course.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define management and the management process and examine the history of management theory.
  • Analyze the challenges related to modern management including decision-making, ethics and social responsibility, diversity, strategic management, and global applications.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of organizational issues in modern management related to organizational design, communication, and human resource systems.
  • Examine best practices for leading in organizations including increasing motivation, team management, diversity management, and management in a global environment.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of budget control, management control systems, and the role of technology in modern management.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to modern management.
HCA 501 Health Care in America  3

Health Care in America provides a comprehensive overview of the basic structures and operations of the U.S. health care system, from its historical origins and resources to its individual services, costs, and quality. Using a unique “systems” approach, it brings together an extraordinary breadth of information and a solid overview of how the various components fit together.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic concepts of health and describe the nature of the U.S. healthcare system.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of health system resources including financing, health service professionals, and medical technology.
  • Examine the healthcare system processes regarding patient care.
  • Describe healthcare system outcomes including cost, access, quality, and policy.
  • Identify forces of future change in healthcare delivery and analyze global issues related to healthcare.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to delivering health care in America.
HCA 503 Ethical and Legal Issues for Health Care Professionals  3

Ethical and Legal Issues for Health Care Professionals will help students prepare for the ethical issues they will experience on the job and teach them how to evaluate the right and wrong courses of action when faced with complicated legal problems. Through contemporary topics presented with a real-world perspective, students will develop the critical thinking skills needed for the moral dilemmas they will encounter in the health care environment.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define ethics, and analyze its importance and application to certain health care dilemmas.
  • Evaluate relevant ethical theories and principles.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary ethical dilemmas and end-of-life dilemmas.
  • Assess a variety of ethical and legal issues that arise in selected health care professions, and analyze the function and purpose of ethics committees.
  • Examine patients rights and responsibilities as well as the issue of informed consent.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to ethical and legal issues for health care professionals.
HCA 505 Multicultural Health Care  3

Multicultural Health Care explores the meaning of health disparities within the context of the demographic changes that are taking place in the U.S. The course examines why the health status gap has not been closed and why the gap is widest between the Black and White population. The course addresses the definition of diversity, who defines it, and its importance to the delivery of health care. The course also discusses healthcare reform and Obamacare. Additionally, the course takes a look at the importance of religion and spirituality in the lives of racial and ethnic groups.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Address the foundations of multicultural health, and explain the importance of cultural competency and linguistic competency.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of theories and models related to multicultural health.
  • Analyze issues related to specific cultural groups regarding their general philosophies of health, healing traditions, risk factors, and common health problems.
  • Examine health disparities and future trends for eliminating health disparities.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to multicultural health care.
HCA 507 Organizational Behavior in Health Care  3

Organizational Behavior in Health Care integrates the study of organizational behavior and organizational theory within the dynamic context of the healthcare industry. Students will explore healthcare organizations from both the micro-level (individual behavior in leadership, intrapersonal and interpersonal issues, groups and teams, and managing organizational change), as well as the macro-level (the organization as a whole).

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define the history and important aspects of organizational behavior related to healthcare.
  • Analyze behaviors from an individual, group, and team perspective as they relate to a healthcare organization.
  • Evaluate theories of motivation and leadership, and their relationship to organizational behavior.
  • Describe the role of organizational change, theory, and design in healthcare.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to organizational behavior in healthcare.
GRM 597 The Research Process  3

The Research Process is a required course for all of the master’s degree programs offered at the University. This course provides an overview of the various research methods, research design, guidance in planning research strategy, and documentation of research data. It also explores and analyzes examples of research from many different disciplines, the development and use of computer-aided research, writing skills, and logical argumentation techniques required in the research field.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define research methods, analyze its importance, and examine how it informs policy and practice.
  • Discuss the various research strategies for description.
  • Examine the statistical tools and interpretations used in quantitative research.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the various strategies for causation in research.
  • Evaluate the role of research as it relates to political and ethical issues.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to the research process.
HCA 598 Final Comprehensive Examination  0

Students enrolled in the M.B.A. in Health Care Management degree program will complete a Final Comprehensive Examination. The Final Comprehensive Examination consists of a combination of four writing assignments and one multiple-choice examination, requiring students to integrate knowledge acquired across the educational program. The Final Comprehensive Examination is sent to students after all the coursework has been successfully completed. The examination is graded on a pass/no pass basis. Students may repeat any portion until they receive a passing score.

Prerequisites to Admission:

An applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree awarded by a college or university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The degree should be in Health Care Management, Health Care Administration, Business Administration, Leadership, Management, or Marketing. A bachelor’s degree in another field may be considered if the Admissions Committee evaluation indicates that the applicant has the necessary foundation to succeed in the program.

FAQ About Coursework

Required units may be satisfied in the following ways: